I am a postdoctoral researcher on the ‘Cohesion and Deliberative Decision-Making’ project, funded by the Open Society Foundations, at the London School of Economics and Political Science. I received my PhD in Philosophy from Hamburg University in June 2024, as a member of the DFG-funded PPE graduate program ‘Collective Decision-Making’.
My research focusses on democracy, political representation, deliberation, voting, electoral systems design and identity politics. To address questions on these topics, I combine political philosophy with insights from game theory, social choice, and legal philosophy.
My work has appeared or is forthcoming in Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy, Res Publica, Moral Philosophy and Politics, German Law Journal, Utrecht Law Review and Nederlands Juristenblad.
Recent Publications
Heterogeneous Electoral Constituencies Against Legislative Gridlock. Res Publica, 2025, Online first.
Denizenship and Democratic Equality. (with Daniel Häuser) Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy, 2025, 28(1): 60-80.
Legislative Secrecy in Deliberation and Voting. (with Dorota Mokrosinska) In: D.M. Mokrosinska. Secrecy and Democracy: A Philosophical Inquiry, Routledge, 2023: 83-103.